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AIBrain Releases fAutonomy, AI Plug-In, for Unity Game Developers

May 14, 2018 – Menlo Park, CA
AIBrain announced today the release of Open Beta of fAutonomy (fA) as a free downloadable plug-in for Unity game developers.
“fAutonomy is the state-of-the-art intelligence builder for all Unity games.
It is the first deep learning AI plug-in in the market,” said Dr. Richard Shinn, Founder & CEO of AIBrain, Inc.
Using Autonomy, users can now create fully autonomous non-player characters (NPC) with Deep Neural Network brains.
fA provides non-scripted AI agent behaviors.

Following are some of the additional features with fAutonomy:

– Goal-driven, lightweight, quick, scalable & domain-independent
(made to work with all Unity games)
– Supports an arbitrary number of agents (one or more).
– fAutonomy AI can learn, adapt & respond intelligently even to unexpected situations.
– Integrates seamlessly with the Unity Editor.
– Comes with unlimited-time free AI server-subscription.
– Train on the AI server & play on the device.
– No AI server connection needed to play.
– Runs on any platform, where Unity Editor runs.
– Currently, games can be built with fAutonomy only for Windows 64-bit.

About AIBrain, Inc.
Founded in 2012, AIBrain is an artificial intelligence company with the goal of building fully autonomous AI by unifying the three essential aspects of intelligence, namely Problem Solving, Learning, and Memory.

AIBrain delivers the full autonomy based on its breakthrough technologies: AICoRE (Adaptive Interactive Cognitive Reasoner), a fully autonomous cognitive AI & Memory Graph, AI memory encompassing both episodic and semantic knowledge.  

For fAutonomy, please visit