Are You Futurable? – Find a Better Future by Gamifying AI

[ Are You Futurable? – Find a Better Future by Gamifying AI ]

As technology advances exponentially, social changes are accelerating. Once we make life-changing decisions such as choosing a college major or making a career change, we cannot easily undo them.
The world around us presents a moving target, and decision making is becoming ever more complex as the future becomes more uncertain.
Although time travel continues to fascinate us, the prospect of actually being able to do so remains a distant fantasy. So wouldn’t it be helpful if we could do the next best thing instead – to simulate our future as realistically as possible?

Enter “Futurable” – an AI-based future simulation game, designed to find better answers to pressing questions for both individuals and organizations through interactive, AI-based gamification techniques.
Are you wondering which career to choose while jobs are being rapidly automated by AI? Or perhaps you’ve just started a business, and are pondering which survival strategy to pursue? How about running some iterations through Futurable and see what the world’s response has to say?
The more vividly we can peer into the future, the more confident we will be in making the decisions necessary to achieve the future we desire.

Let us build a better future with Futurable.
Seeing is believing!

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